BP Piastów Jakuszyce - jeden z najbardziej znanych Biegów Górskich w Polsce...

Tracks waits for fresh snow

No fresh snowfall, three degrees of frost in the morning, light wind at times, maybe snow in the evening. We are not grooming today. We are waiting for snowfall.

Tracks groomed, last time on Monday:

Jakuszyce - Dolny Dukt - Górny Dukt - kopalnia
Jakuszyce - Samolot - Orle - Spacerowa - Jakuszyce
Rozdroże pod Cichą Równią - Na Bagnie - Rozdroże Miedziane

There is little snow on many sections, grass and stones stick out, there are abrasions.

Track on www.bilestopy.cz
Traces on www.mapy.cz

Yesterday's photo. Author: Zdzisław Salik.
design by : LEMONPIXEL.pl